Sunday, October 29, 2006

The strange case of the missing music brochures.

There has been a strange thing happening around Carbondale of late. It looks like someone is going around town and stealing the brochures for the TESSI Suzuki Music Academy and replacing them with the brochures for SIUC's Egyptian Suzuki program. When I got through the list of who has motive to do this and access to the several thousand SIU Egyptian Suzuki brochures needed to spread around, I come up with only one person - Paula Allison. Of course, I don't know if she is doing it. But logic tells us it can be no one but her or her agent.

As a Suzuki parent I can tell you that TESSI is the place to take lessons in this town (piano, violin, guitar and Wiggles and Tunes for tots). The SIU program turns over 100% of its staff every couple of years and that is a very bad sign. They TESSI teachers all used to teach in the SIU program and quit in disgust. Outside of TESSI a good source for piano lessons is Kara Benyas (another ex-SIU Suzuki teacher and wife of Conductor Ed Benyas), she is also supposed to be a super piano teacher and is a really nice person.

If anyone knows Paula, could you tell her to cut it out? Even with a husband on the music faculty you aren't untouchable if you are caught stealing.

Your comments are welcome.

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