Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Lunch at the Long Branch Backroom - I liked it

When I first moved back to Carbondale, I went into the Long Branch with my wife because she wanted a latte. The place was thick with smoke, I decided that I didn't need it and never went back. Last Sunday, I met some people for a business lunch at the Long Branch Backroom. Turns out you can go into a door from the parking lot and miss the smoke. The back room is no smoking.

The lunch I had was good. Huevos rancheros and a salad, I was hungry. The HR were good, but came to me kind of lukewarm. The salad was great, walnuts and sunflower seeds, sprinkled over mixed greens. The whole menu appears to be vegetarian, so you are warned. The quality of ingrediants seemed excellent, so my only real complaint is they could invest in a stronger heat lamp to keep the first orders warm, while they cook the later ones.

If you eat out a lot in Carbondale, you quickly find there aren't enough places to eat on a regular basis. I don't know if the Long Branch back room fits the bill as a place that I will eat regularly, but it has possibilities for further exploration of the menu. That is a cause for hope.

How about you? Do you like this place?

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