Saturday, September 09, 2006

Seems like Poshard's section has problems too.

I don't know if the Southern Illusion has access to the article in the Chronicle or not, but I'm surprised they didn't point out that either the work Poshard's subcommittee did was discarded and plagiarized documents were inserted in their place or...
Mr. Poshard himself was involved in creating the "Southern at 150" plan. He served as chairman of the "phase zero" advisory committee when he was the campus's vice chancellor for administration in 2001. Several sections of documents prepared by that committee appear to be a nearly verbatim copy of a part of Texas A&M's Vision 2020 called "The Baseline."
This quote is from the Chronicle's article that someone was nice enough to send me. I would publish the whole thing here, but I don't have legal rights. :)

I don't know if you remember my post (Carbondale, Illinois - Business and SIU Commentary: Let me explain the game.) about how newspapers really don't want to do news, they just want to make money these days? I don't see how you can report this story and not mention this detail. It does really muddy the waters about everyone's motivation.

I think the SI got it wrong in their editorial coverage today, but that is a different post.

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