Monday, September 11, 2006

International students down? B

The DE makes a nice try at covering the problem SIU is having with declining enrollment of international students. It is interesting that they write it is a national problem, but discuss the local issues.

The national issues limiting international students clearly started with the post 9/11 rules limiting visas. For many years, international students came to study and took an option on staying to work. I hear they are going to open up the visas now and they have greatly expanded the number of Saudi student visas for next year. It is good to have oil.

The USA used to be the most respected country in the world. Our current president will go down as the worst foreign policy president in history and it has hurt our standing. If the students don't think much of our country, why should they come over here to study?

Because we have chosen as a society to not support higher education at the levels we have in the past, out of state tuition is way higher than it has been historically and as the DE article says, there are less work opportunities.

Hopefully the next president and/or congress will get their acts together and fix these problems. Can't be hard, just fall back to 1995 or so and do what Clinton did.

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