Monday, May 28, 2007

Little more about Mass Comm and the former Dean

Some of my friends from out of town, who have kids looking at colleges, have contacted me in the last few years and told me their child is thinking about attending SIUC in Mass Comm. Apparently, the college is one of the top 5 in the country in several areas. It looks like Mass Comm has a national reputation and positive results to back it up. That is interesting isn't it?

If you were SIU's management and wanted to drive away a bunch of professors, then rebuild a college, wouldn't it be better to start somewhere that isn't highly ranked nationally (top 5 according to a couple of out of town friends)? I was thinking, I would have started anywhere else (except for the Voc Tech programs, they seem to be doing well).

I was wondering, how the defenders of the recently departed dean, feel about throwing all the balls up in the air, in one of SIU's two well ranked colleges. When you look at the big picture, why attack there? Surely there are colleges that need to be kicked in the rear and it seems like Mass Comm didn't?


Anonymous said...

I'd need to know more about these rankings. I did not find any info on CMMA's webpage nor did I have any luck using google to find ranking info in CMMA's fields.

For example, if their rankings have been going up these last few years that would be evidence in favor of Pendakur.

PeterG said...

Isn't it great, we have no measurement on anything at SIU do we? The reality is that finding out where you rank would be scary, kind of like the federal government soon publishing the death stats of all the US hospitals.

I bet someone will tell us soon enough where to find the Mass Comm numbers.

Anonymous said...

Regardless of the rankings, there's a lot of good things about MCMA. Nationally ranked River Region, Alt.News, The Daily Egyptian. The theatre dept is amazing, MCMA has a TV and radio station...

Yeah. Why hack away at a college that has so much to do with community service and marketing?

Anonymous said...

Speech Comm is not in Mass Comm, it is in the COLA.