Saturday, August 19, 2006

One more about District 95 and then on to SIUC

I think that we can all agree that for a variety of reasons the performance of District 95 isn't good enough and that 30 years ago it was one of the best school districts in the State. The teachers are high quality, the buildings are high quality (not that it matters), but something is terribly wrong and it has been heading the wrong way for many, many years.

The people who should likely get the blame for the lack of analysis and action is the School Board for District 95 (I included the link to their official webpage in the title, they don't list the board members on their webpage!). Several of them have been on the board for 20 or 25 years including the Board's head Nancy Stemper.

If you are failing and keep doing the same things over and over for 20 years some people believe it is a sure sign of insanity. It is time for this board to do something different, they are failing. It is OK if you don't want to do the heavy lifting to not run the next election and I would like to suggest that to Nancy Stemper and all the other retired members of that board.


Anonymous said...

Do you attend school board meetings?

PeterG said...

Are you out of your mind? What a waste of time. School board meetings are about being nice and showing respect, they do nothing to find and address the problems in the schools.

The great thing about this series of posts is that I'm right. District 95 stinks and the school board members that have been riding it down for 20 years should go fall on their own swords in dishonor.

I have started companies that fail and manybe my current company will too. I'll take the credit or the hit for it when it happens.