Monday, July 17, 2006

The Southern Illinois Conservative?

In the last few years I have started to enjoy watching the special form of conservatives that we have around here. In general, they can be counted on to complain about how unfair taxes are, want all their services and want everyone else to get no services.

For example, our Southern Illusion columnist Jim Muir. On July 11th Jim wrote a nice article about how "The ongoing struggle by United Mine Workers officials to preserve health care benefits for retired miners - benefits that were lost when Horizon Natural Resources filed bankruptcy." Turns out there is a movement to have the US government pay for their health benefits because the company has played the game to get out of it. Jim thinks this is a great idea and to be honest with you I feel bad for those miners myself.

The problem is that if the miners get bailed out, shouldn't everyone get bailed out by the feds? Shouldn't the Enron people get back their lost millions? I'm not sure that asking for handouts for your friends makes you a conservative, but it does make a you a Southern Illinois conservative.

I think Mr. Muir should start trying to get the feds to bail out everyone who goes through hard times, if he knows them or not (in the name of fairness of course). Have to call his radio show and suggest it. ;)

I'll get to the Southern Illinois liberal later, don't worry I'm equal opportunity.

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